GraphPad Prism Overview
GraphPad Prism is a software solution that combines the functions of constructing scientific graphs, curves in nonlinear regression, obtaining understandable statistical results and organizing data. The solution is designed for biologists, sociologists and physicists, and is also widely used by students and graduate students. Nonlinear regression is an important tool in data analysis, but often working with it is more difficult than it should be. In this solution, curve construction is simplified to the maximum: just choose from an extensive list of frequently used equations (or enter your own) and the program will do the rest automatically – generate a curve, display the results in a table, draw a curve on a graph and interpolate unknown values. The system will allow you to easily perform the main statistical tests widely used in laboratory and clinical studies: t-test, nonparametric comparisons, one- and two-way variance analysis, contingency and survival table analysis. All parts of the project carried out in the program are linked, which allows you to correct an error in the data once and automatically receive updated results.
File Information
Year/Release Date : 2024
Version : 10.4.0
Developer : GraphPad
Developer’s website :
Bit depth : 64bit
Interface language : English
Tablet : present
System Requirements
• 32- or 64-bit Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10.
• Screen resolution 800 x 540.
• 300 MB on disk.